Magdi Allam became Catholic at the hands of Benedict XVI and the polemics are around the world
Magdi Allam, the most famous mussulman in Italy, has chosen to become Catholic, received baptism at the hands of Benedict XVI and has raised a lot of controversy around the world and more minacie to death from Islamic terrorists. If a Catholic convert to Islam is no problem, nothing happens. But the opposite becomes an international event: “Reuters Italy: Magdi Allam, a Muslim journalist whose baptism at the hands of the Pope on the eve of Easter has caused the criticism of several "wise men" ... Dear Allam not speak of Christ the Journal of Islam ... Special Envoy, Magdi Allam, Msgr. Ravasi AGI - Agency of Journalism Italy - Radical Agency ... 137 and other articles "
See also: Magdi Allam best of Western and Islamic civilizations
Allam difende suo battesimo sotto i riflettoriCaro Allam parla di Cristo non dell’islam il GiornaleISLAM/ MAGDI ALLAM: DA CATTOLICO SONO SPIRITO ANCOR PIU' LIBERO Alice NewsLa giornata vaticana. Inviato speciale, Magdi Allam, mons. Ravasi korazym.orgAGI - Agenzia Giornalistica Italia - Agenzia Radicale